Organisers of LGBTQ+ film festival in Russia: “We were a little naïve about the backlash that was going to happen!” 24.06.2023 Hille Hanso Estonian Rainbow Heroes of Culture, Gulya Sultanova and Manny de Guerre, who ran the LGBTQ+ film festival Side by Side in Russia, compare working in an atmosphere of bomb threats, intimidation and self-censorship to working to promote human rights in Russia in Estonia, where they run Q-Space, LGBTQ+ cultural program mainly aimed at the Russian-speaking community.
Comic: Being “not like the other girls” wasn’t fun 14.04.2021 Nika Nazarova Nika Nazarova's lovely cartoon is about internalised misogyny, or the desire not to be like other girls, and the journey from self-loathing to optimism.
Amina Cadelli: “I grew up surrounded by women” 18.06.2019 Nicolas Blandin, Isabelle Mayault Amina Cadelli, aka Flèche Love, 28, is a Swiss-Algerian musician and composer who is defending a spiritual approach to feminism. After completing her studies in post-colonialism and gender in Geneva, she became the singer for electro-pop band Kadebostany.
The Pearl necklace is very….hetero 23.04.2018 Christian Veske-McMahon If we think specifically about the male body wearing jewelry, in the modern era it is not a popular thing. The male body has limited acceptable formats of jewelry. We have cufflinks, tie tacks, lapel pins, and depending on the generational demographic, maybe a man wears earrings, a ring or a pinky ring.