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Helle Hald: In Denmark, rape victims must have the support of a lawyer from the very beginning.
Helle Hald is a Danish attorney who has fought for the right of rape victims to have a lawyer from the very beginning. This right is now guaranteed in Denmark.

Johanna Nejedlová: sexual education must include prevention of violence, but it should also include fun
Despite the fact that the Czech Republic has not ratified the Istanbul Convention and that, according to NGOs, government politicians are not particularly progressive on the issue of sexual violence, they have transitioned to a consent-based law.

Daniela Alaattinoğlu: yes-means-yes model is more comprehensive
Finland adopted the consent law in 2023. According to legal researcher Daniela Alaattinoğlu, one change was in the approach to evidence.

Estonia needs the „Yes Means Yes“ model of affirmative consent. A report from the President Kaljulaid Foundation’s Tallinn Consent Law Forum
Every victim, irrespective of their gender, age and sexual orientation, needs protection. Arras expressed the opinion that Estonia needs to agree on defining unconsenting sex as rape.
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The “fascist femboys” of Baltic German artist Elisàr von Kupffer. Interview with historian Ben Miller
Ben Miller is a historian who has studied the racist history of the gay liberation movement, spanning from interwar Weimar Germany to 1970s San Francisco. In this interview, he discusses in more detail the Baltic German artist Elisàr von Kupffer, who was born in the Estonian territories.

Creative contest for feminist merch
We are looking for memes and designed slogans that can be printed either as stickers or printed on clothing, by October 17, 2023.

Constellations: a graphic novel about growing up transgender, and addiction. Interview with author Kate Glasheen
American comics artist Kate Glasheen presented in Haapsalu, Estonia, their graphic novel Constellations about growing up transgender in Troy, NY.

Call for art works on sexual consent
How to depict bodily autonomy? What kind of sexual revolution is needed in today's society?
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Recognition to regression: protecting transgender rights ended in striking down self-perceived gender identity and its expression in Pakistan
Pakistani human rights activist Uzma Yakoob writes about the biggest victories and losses of the Pakistani trans community over the past decade.

How Vienna focused on gender in urban planning
Stefanie Blümel looks at how the city of Vienna has attempted to become more inclusive by applying gender mainstreaming in its urban planning processes.

Member of the Icelandic parliament: the consent law gives us a chance to reform education and our mentality
In 2018, Iceland’s parliament passed an affirmative sexual consent law which states that sex without free and clearly communicated consent is rape.

Moldovian city planner Constanța Dohotaru: Our cities are patriarchy cut in stone!
Constanța Dohotaru about rampant Russian propaganda in Moldova, the situation of women, minorities and refugees, and urban planning, which is heavily biased towards the needs of men.